The Lighthouse®
Moving toward adoption next March, the Golden States new ethnic studies curriculum prefers victimization to minority achievement, and Marxism to liberal values. Following this curriculum, students would have no basis for understanding Frederick Douglasss defense of the U.S. Constitution as a glorious liberty document and his celebration of the potential of a country based on natural and inalienable rights.
With David Theroux, Dr. Williamson Evers, and Dr. Graham Walker
Please join us for the third episode of our new round table conversation which will provide commentary on the most pressing news stories of the day. It will feature our Founder and President David Theroux, Senior Fellow Dr. Williamson Evers (Director of our Center on Educational Excellence), and Executive Director Dr. Graham Walker, as well as the occasional additional Independent Institute scholar. We hope youll participate with questions and learn more about our unique outlookinformed by principles of liberty and dignity, and our great respect for facts. We will discuss a variety of topics, including material published on our blog, and answer questions submitted through thinkspot.
Click here to access the event live this Wednesday at 3:00 P.M. PDT or watch the live stream on our Facebook page or Twitter Feed. REGISTER »
By Angelo M. Codevilla (Claremont Review of Books, 6/21/20)
Ritual confession has long been used to promote spiritual cleanlinessand to energize mobs to wage wars against the great unwashed. Todays woke self-purifiers, eager to confess past transgressions and flout their new virtue, are largely ignorant about this recurring role in historys dramaand oblivious to the unintended consequences of their mass deployment on the battlefields of todays culture wars.
By Art Carden (Forbes, 8/14/20)
A recent study finds that economic freedom mitigated some harms of the 1918 global flu pandemic. Economic freedom, the study demonstrates, gives people the flexibility needed to adapt to changing conditions.
By Tate Fegley (Mises Wire, 8/20/20)
Streets and highways are the leading places where people first come into contact with the police. By unbundling traffic enforcement from broader policing authority, road privatization could be a fruitful avenue for police reform.
By Richard K. Vedder (Forbes, 8/10/20)
Lower-wage workers have seen their pay growth in the marketplace lag that of their higher-wage counterparts. The most efficient way to raise their productivity and income may be to expand vocational training, which can lead to in-demand careers like welding, plumbing, and computer repair.
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Volume 22, Issue 34: September 1, 2020
By Williamson M. Evers (The Wall Street Journal, 8/28/20)
With David Theroux, Dr. Williamson Evers, and Dr. Graham Walker

Click here to access the event live this Wednesday at 3:00 P.M. PDT or watch the live stream on our Facebook page or Twitter Feed. REGISTER »
By Angelo M. Codevilla (Claremont Review of Books, 6/21/20)

In All Fairness
Equality, Liberty, and the Quest for Human Dignity
Equality, Liberty, and the Quest for Human Dignity
Edited by Robert M. Whaples, Michael C. Munger, Christopher J. Coyne
By Art Carden (Forbes, 8/14/20)

Open Letter to Suspend California AB-5
From 153 Economists and Political Scientists in California
From 153 Economists and Political Scientists in California
By Williamson M. Evers, David J. Theroux
By Tate Fegley (Mises Wire, 8/20/20)

By Richard K. Vedder (Forbes, 8/10/20)

The Beacon: New Blog Posts
- U.S. Manufacturers Seek to Ban Imported Mattresses During Pandemic, by William F. Shughart II
- Stalled Relief Bill Would Hike US Debt and Crush Fiscal Accountability, by Craig Eyermann
- Police Reformers Should Demand Overhaul of CalGang Database, by Jonathan Hofer and Dominick Van Cleve
- Pandemic Convergence, by K. Lloyd Billingsley
- Jacob Blake, More Riots, and a Forced Narrative, by William J. Watkins, Jr.
- Promising Alzheimers Drug on FDA Fast Track, by Raymond J. March
- Coastal Commission Keeps Overheated Californians from Chilling Out, by K. Lloyd Billingsley
Catalyst: New Articles
- Police Reform Should Include CalGang Database Overhaul, by Jonathan Hofer & Dominick Van Cleve
- Googles Plan to Disrupt the College Degree, by Jon Miltimore
- Four Unintended Consequences of the Lockdowns, by Brad Polumbo