The Lighthouse®
Health care reform should focus on making it as easy as possible for people to access innovations such as personal, portable health insurance; round-the-clock telemedicine; Centers of Excellence for chronic care; and expanded Health Savings Accounts. The Trump administration has already implemented executive actions that have brought us closer to these goals, but to complete the reforms, Congress needs to enact legislation.
By William J. Watkins Jr. (The Washington Times, 7/30/19)
Nominated to the Supreme Court by President Gerald Ford, the late John Paul Stevens (19202019) would have a hard time proving his claim to being a judicial conservative. Justice Stevens believed the Constitutions interstate commerce clause enables the federal government to ban medical marijuana even if its grown and consumed in a single state. He also gutted the public use proviso from the Fifth Amendments takings clause and built legal arguments on the shaky foundation of Roe v. Wade.
By Craig Eyermann (The Beacon, 7/30/19)
From 2005 through 2013, the proportion of the worlds population living in extreme poverty plummeted from 21 percent to 11 percent, according to the World Bank. Much of this decline resulted from deregulation. Regulations, which can reduce the ability of individuals to find jobs or start businesses, are often written to benefit established interests eager to limit competition.
By Robert P. Murphy (Institute for Energy Research, 7/24/19)
Canadian Prime Minister Trudeaus proposal to ban single-use plastics will do virtually nothing to reduce plastic waste in the ocean and it wont help the economy. What it will do, if enacted, is increase greenhouse gas emissions, increase the spread of disease, and greatly inconvenience consumers.
Plastic Pollution: Bans vs. Recycling Solutions
By Art Carden (American Institute for Economic Research, 7/12/19)
In economic terms, coercion precludes any meaningful choice about what to consume or produce. In ethical terms, coercion is the clearest instance of disrespecting another persons liberty, dignity, and autonomy as an independent moral agent.
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Volume 21, Issue 32: August 13, 2019
By John C. Goodman and Marie Fishpaw (National Review Online, 8/1/19)
By William J. Watkins Jr. (The Washington Times, 7/30/19)

Crossroads for Liberty
Recovering the Anti-Federalist Values of Americas First Constitution
Recovering the Anti-Federalist Values of Americas First Constitution
By William J. Watkins, Jr.
By Craig Eyermann (The Beacon, 7/30/19)

Making Poor Nations Rich
Entrepreneurship and the Process of Economic Development
Entrepreneurship and the Process of Economic Development
Edited by Benjamin Powell
By Robert P. Murphy (Institute for Energy Research, 7/24/19)

Plastic Pollution: Bans vs. Recycling Solutions
By Art Carden (American Institute for Economic Research, 7/12/19)

The Beacon: New Blog Posts
- Worst Mass Shooting in North America Still Unsolved, by K. Lloyd Billingsley
- With Californias Public Pensions, Nothing Exceeds Like Excess, by K. Lloyd Billingsley
- Fatal Bureau of Investigation: A Retrospective, by K. Lloyd Billingsley
- Is the Administrative State Keeping the Nation Safe?, by K. Lloyd Billingsley
- Blame Californias Housing Shortage on Dubious Regulations, by Craig Eyermann
- New Study Finds FDA in Contempt of the U.S. Constitution, by Raymond J. March
- Chief Manufacturing Officer, a New Twist in Presidential Candidates Debate Dialectic, by K. Lloyd Billingsley
- Alexis de Tocqueville on Democratic Socialism, by Vicki E. Alger
- World Bank Study Finds That Deregulation Reduces Extreme Poverty, by Craig Eyermann
Catalyst: New Articles
- Rising Red Ink Is a Good Sign... Except When Government is Doing the Spending, by Ross Marchand
- Dont Feel Bad About Using the Self Checkout, by Art Carden
- Worried About Big Pharma? Then Reduce the FDAs Regulatory Power., by Raymond J. March
- Hong Kong: Where Political Autonomy Means Economic Freedom: Hong Kong Reflects Capitalism in Some Ways and Top-down Planning in Others, but its Autonomy from China Is Worth Defending, by Scott Beyer
- Should We Cap Credit Card Interest Rates at 15%?, by Art Carden
- A Great Stagnation for Bureaucrats