The Lighthouse®
Sen. Elizabeth Warrens proposed tax on ultra-millionaires wouldnt raise enough money to cover free college for all, but this isnt the only flaw of her signature policy recommendation. At root is a mistaken premise. In reality, college loan debt hasnt soared because government funding is too little, but because its too much.
By Alvaro Vargas Llosa (American Thinker, 5/17/19)
The real danger facing the United States isnt the radicalization of the Democratic Party, its the publics misconception of how capitalism works. People still blame the free market for causing the financial crisis of 2008, when in fact it was a government-engineered credit boom that set the stage. The widespread confusion has enabled policymakers to implement measures that could precipitate another economic meltdown.
By Ivan Eland (Real Clear World, 2/27/19)
The presidents inward-looking security posture may not be enough to keep the United States from slipping into the role of global policeman. President Trump should listen to the Europeans on Iran, Venezuela, Syrian, and trade. Europeans, for their part, should heed Trumps call for them to dramatically step up their defensive game.
By John C. Goodman (Forbes, 5/10/19)
Electronic health records (EHR) are supposed to deliver better patient care at lower cost, but those benefits have yet to materialize in any appreciable way, some researchers conclude. Moreover, once digitized, health records are easy to steal and share, putting Americans medical privacy at mortal risk.
By Kelly Lester (Catalyst, 5/16/19)
Childcare affordability is a key to helping families feel more secure during times of economic uncertainty. One way to make it more affordable is by reducing state limits of child-staff ratios at childcare facilities.
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Volume 21, Issue 20: May 21, 2019
By Vicki E. Alger (Houston Chronicle, 5/15/19)
By Alvaro Vargas Llosa (American Thinker, 5/17/19)

By Ivan Eland (Real Clear World, 2/27/19)

By John C. Goodman (Forbes, 5/10/19)

By Kelly Lester (Catalyst, 5/16/19)

The Beacon: New Blog Posts
- What Happens If China Triggers Its Nuclear Option for U.S. National Debt?, by Craig Eyermann
- Child Safety Accounts Would Protect School Children in Washington, DC, by Vicki E. Alger
- Will Corporate Debt Set Off the Next Financial Crisis?, by Alvaro Vargas Llosa
- FDA To Stop Regulating the Amount of Cherries in Frozen Cherry Pie, by Raymond J. March
- Contrary to News Reports, California Is Actually a Loser in Its 26-year Tax War Against Tech Inventor Gilbert Hyatt, by K. Lloyd Billingsley
- Jerry Brown Appointee Allows Bail for Triple Manslaughter Suspect, by K. Lloyd Billingsley
- Booming Spending Outweighs Record Tax Collections, by Craig Eyermann
Catalyst: New Articles
- Before Spending More on Vocational Training, Lets Ensure It Meets Market Needs, by Kristiana Bolzman
- Is Energy Independence a Worthy Goal?, by Art Carden
- High Housing Costs Are Not Just Limited to Big Cities: How Decades of Tight Zoning Suffocated Small-Town Vermont, by Nick Zaiac
- Hey Government! Its Time to Make Child Care Affordable, by Kelly Lester
- Charging Patients More Upfront Leads to More Affordable Healthcare, by Ross Marchand
- The Insanity of the Push for Rent Control, by Benjamin Powell