Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
2/1/2009 “Recreating the Creation,” by Robert H. Nelson in Philosophy & Public Policy Quarterly
1/31/2009 Robert Higgs quoted in Baltimore Chronicle & Sentinel on economic "crisis"
1/29/2009 Halbrook, Founders' Second Amendment in American Spectator
1/28/2009 Dominick T. Armentano in Providence Journal on what to do about the recession
1/28/2009 Stephen Halbrook at Human Events online on Eric Holder confirmation hearing
1/28/2009 Founders' Second Amendment cited in Orange County Register editorial
1/25/2009 William Shughart on misplaced federal incentives in Washington Times
1/23/2009 Ivan Eland in Connecticut Post on presidential eloquence, policies
1/20/2009 Alex Tabarrok quoted on Human Events Online
1/20/2009 Ivan Eland, Recarving Rushmore in Christian Science Monitor
1/20/2009 Robert Higgs quoted in La Opinion on employment and federal bailouts
1/20/2009 Recarving Rushmore reviewed at Booklist Online
1/19/2009 Bill Steigerwald quotes Robert Higgs in Red Bluff Daily News
1/18/2009 Ivan Eland in Modesto Bee on what makes a good president
1/16/2009 Ivan Eland ranks the presidents in Tallahassee Democrat
1/12/2009 Robert Higgs, Depression, War, and Cold War quoted in American Conservative
1/11/2009 William Shugart on Obama's economic plan in Bloomington Pantagraph
1/11/2009 Bill Steigerwald cites Robert Higgs in column on Obama economic policy
1/10/2009 Ivan Eland in Providence Journal on ranking the presidents
1/10/2009 William Shughart in Clarion-Ledger on Mississippi cigarette excise tax
1/8/2009 Robert Higgs on regime uncertainty cited at Huffington Post
1/8/2009 William Shughart on Obama's economic plan at American Spectator online
1/6/2009 William Shughart in Investor's Business Daily on Obama's stimulus plan
1/5/2009 Robert Higgs, Crisis and Leviathan cited in Crossville Chronicle
1/5/2009 George Selgin writes on Argentina's coin shortage in Wall Street Journal
1/4/2009 William Shughart in Charleston Gazette on Obama's economic stimulus plan
1/3/2009 William Shughart warns about Obama job stimulus in Keene Sentinel
1/2/2009 Thomas DiLorenzo cites Recarving Rushmore in Citizen-Times interview
1/2/2009 Anthony Gregory on Schwarzenegger's governorship in La Prensa San Diego
1/1/2009 Independent Scholarship Fund featured in School Reform News
12/29/2008 Telegraph quotes Alvaro Vargas Llosa, cites Che Guevara Myth
12/29/2008 John Stossel cites Robert Higgs on "regime uncertainty"

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