Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
11/12/2013 “Obama’s Health Reform Will Shred Safety Net” Op-Ed by John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Forbes
11/12/2013 “Do You Know What Mental Health Parity Is?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in National Center for Policy Analysis
11/11/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen P. Halbrook appears on WFTL radio’s Joyce Kaufman show
11/11/2013 “The Mother of All Nazi Analogies, Now Available at Amazon” Gun Control in the Third Reich reviewed by The New Republic
11/11/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen P. Halbrook appears on Armed America Radio
11/11/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen Halbrook appears on The Janet Mefferd radio show
11/11/2013 “Is there any solution to ObamaCare chaos?” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless appears on Fox News Channel
11/11/2013 “Feinstein’s Misplaced Anger” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland in Media With Conscience
11/10/2013 “World Affairs Council Houston presents: Global Crossings: Immigration, Civilization, and America” Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings mentioned on
11/10/2013 Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings speaks at the Dole Institute
11/9/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen P. Halbrook appears on KVOI radio’s Inside Track show with host Emil Franzi
11/9/2013 Maura McEnaney, author of Willard Garvey: An Epic Life, appears on C-SPAN’s Book TV, Saturday, Nov. 9th, 1:45 p.m. ET
11/9/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich by Research Fellow Stephen Halbrook is reviewed in Save America Foundation
11/8/2013 “Ridiculous Fantasy of the Day: What if the Nazis Had Not Supported Gun Control?” Gun Control in the Third Reich is cited on The Counterfactual History Review
11/8/2013 “What Made the Nazi Holocaust Possible? Gun control” Op-Ed by Stephen Halbrook in The Washington Times
11/8/2013 “Plan Bay Area: ‘Sustainable Communities’ Hurt the Poor” Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan in San Jose Mercury News
11/8/2013 “Should There Be A Special Tax on Paul Krugman?” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in National Center for Policy Analysis
11/8/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen P. Halbrook appears on WFLA radio’s Bud Hedinger Live show
11/8/2013 “Can Obamacare Work?” Sr. Fellow John R. Graham appears on WPTF radio’s Bill LuMaye show
11/8/2013 “If you like your plan...” Sr. Fellow John R. Graham appears on Speaking of Taxpayers podcast from The National Taxpayer Union
11/8/2013 “The enigma of Janet Yellen as Fed chair” Research Fellow Burt A. Abrams mentioned in George Will column in The Washington Post
11/8/2013 “School Official Tries to Label Complaining Parent a ‘Neo-Nazi’,” by Selwyn Duke cites Gun Control in the Third Reich, by Research Fellow Stephen Halbrook (New American)
11/7/2013 “Stephen Halbrook on His New Book Gun Control in the Third Reich” Posted on The Freedom Watch
11/7/2013 “Gun Control in the Third Reich” author Stephen P. Halbrook appears on WTPF radio’s Bill LuMaye show
11/7/2013 Alvaro Vargas Llosa appears on CNN Chile (Spanish)
11/7/2013 “Keynesian Yellen At Fed: Status Quo” Op-Ed by Peter Boettke, author of Living Economics in
11/7/2013 “New book looks at Hitler’s use of gun control to disarm Jews,” Jamie Weinstein interviews Research Fellow Stephen Halbrook, author of Gun Control in the Third Reich (The Daily Caller)
11/7/2013 “David Eckert And The Reality Of The American Police State” Research Fellow Anthony Gregory in Eurasia Review
11/7/2013 “Why it’s easier to fix your phone than your body” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Olympia Business Watch
11/7/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen P. Halbrook appears on WJRW Radio’ Michigan Morning News
11/7/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen P. Halbrook appears on WSBA radio’s York’s Morning News
11/7/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen P. Halbrook appears on WGSO radio’s Ringside Politics show

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