Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
1/10/2014 Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless to appear on WLS radio in Chicago on Wednesday, January 15 8:35am CT
1/9/2014 “Obama Should Be Careful of a Slippery Slope Back into Iraq” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland Op-Ed in The Huffington Post
1/9/2014 “Medicare Advantage” Sr. Fellow and author of Priceless John C. Goodman in Psychology Today
1/8/2014 “Medicaid Expansion Means More ER Visits” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed in Psychology Today
1/8/2014 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen P. Halbrook appears on the Georgene Rice Radio Show on KPDQ Portland, OR
1/7/2014 “CA Bipartisan bill would forbid state from helping NSA” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland interviewed in U-T San Diego
1/7/2014 “Liberals Double Down on Inequality” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman cited in American Thinker
1/7/2014 Research Fellow Anthony Gregory, author of The Power of Habeas Corpus in America appears on WTPL radio New Hampshire
1/7/2014 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen P. Halbrook appears on KPDQ radio’s Georgine Rice Show
1/6/2014 “Does East Texas Hold a Patent on Predatory Litigation?” Op-Ed by William J. Watkins Jr., Author of Patent Trolls
1/6/2014 “Krugman on Bargaining” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman in National Center for Policy Analysis
1/6/2014 “Five Myths About Inequality” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman Op-Ed in
1/6/2014 “Who’s Paying for Smart Growth?” Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan appears on We the People radio
1/6/2014 “2014 Economic Outlook” Sr. Fellow Benjamin Powell Appears on Fox Business Network’s The Independents
1/6/2014 “Progress of Middle East Peace Negotiations” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on CCTV
1/3/2014 “Fingerprinting, background checks required for D.C. gun owners” Research Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook, author of Gun Control in the Third Reich quoted in The Washington Times
1/3/2014 “Stop the Army From Copying Marines’ Missions” Op-Ed by Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland in The Huffington Post
1/2/2014 “Taking an Ax to Traditional Forest Management” Sr. Fellow Robert H. Nelson Op-Ed in The Wall St. Journal
1/2/2014 “Extortion” Research Fellow Randall Holcombe in Eurasia Review
1/2/2014 “Is The Welfare State Kind?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman in Right Side News
1/2/2014 “Bitcoin Is a High-Tech Dinosaur Soon to Be Extinct” Research Fellow George Selgin author of Good Money is cited in Bloomberg News
1/1/2014 “Gun re-registration begins in D.C., may lead to arrest and confiscation” Research Fellow Stephen Halbrook, author of Gun Control in the Third Reich quoted in The Washington Times
1/1/2014 Author of Willard Garvey: An Epic Life re-airs on C-SPAN’s Book TV, Wednesday, Jan. 1st at 11:15 a.m. ET (8:15 a.m. PT)
1/1/2014 “Taking an Ax to Traditional Forest Management: The Charter-School Approach Works for Education, So Why Not Apply It Elsewhere?”, by Robert H. Nelson in The Wall Street Journal
12/31/2013 “Gun Control Under Tyrants Offers Lessons” Gun Control in the Third Reich by Research Fellow Stephen Halbrook is reviewed in Carolina Journal
12/31/2013 “Oil tax could cap a well of prosperity” Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan interviewed in U-T San Diego
12/31/2013 “The Apothecary’s 2013 Year In Review: Americans Care Most About Obamacare’s Steep Premium Hikes” Sr. Fellows John C. Goodman and John R. Graham mentioned in Forbes
12/31/2013 “Finding Mister or Miss Right: Easier than Finding Aliens?” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in Forbes
12/29/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich reviewed in the Washington Times and NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action
12/29/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich reviewed in the The Truth About
12/28/2013 Author of Willard Garvey: An Epic Life re-aired on C-SPAN’s Book TV, Saturday, Dec. 28th at 9:15 a.m. ET (6:15 a.m. PT)
12/27/2013 “Ethanol Isn’t Green, Isn’t Efficient, and Shouldn’t Be Subsidized” Research Fellow Burton A. Abrams Op-Ed in The Daily Caller

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