Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
9/7/2016 Failure by Research Fellow Vicki Alger cited on Education Watch International blog
9/7/2016 Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan and Independent Institute’s CA Golden Fleece Award cited in The Sacramento Bee editorial
9/6/2016 “Will Hillary Enmesh Us Deeper in the Syrian Quagmire?” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland Op-Ed in Huffington Post
9/6/2016 “Protecting Patient Safety Without Malpractice Law” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice in Forbes
9/6/2016 Gun Control in the Third Reich by Research Fellow Stephen Halbrook is reviewed on Maverick Philosopher
9/4/2016 “California Transportation Needs Budget, Efficiency Reforms, Not More Taxes” Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan and Independent Institute’s CA Golden Fleece Award cited in LA Daily News editorial
9/4/2016 “Protectionism for Some vs. Protection for All” Research Fellow Gary Galles Op-Ed in The Orange County Register
9/4/2016 Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan and Independent Institute’s CA Golden Fleece Award cited in The Orange County Register editorial
9/3/2016 “Which Candidate Will Raise Your Wage? (Hint: It’s not Hillary)” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice Op-Ed in
9/3/2016 “We’re Winning Fire Fights, but Losing the War” Research Fellow Ryan Yonk and Devin Stein Op-Ed in The Modesto Bee
9/2/2016 Special Stossel program, “Breaking Up With Government,” on the Independent Institute’s Love Gov video series is re-aired on Fox Business Channel
9/1/2016 “As Despair Spreads in Venezuela, Maduro Doubles Down” Sr. Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings Op-Ed in The Globe and Mail
9/1/2016 “Should Prostitution Be Legal?” Research Fellow Wendy McElroy Op-Ed on
9/1/2016 “Fifteen Years After 9/11, the Bureaucratic Bull’s-Eye Remains” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in The Daily Caller
9/1/2016 Research Fellow Vicki Alger, author of Failure appears on WLCR radio (KY)
8/31/2016 “Low-income Americans Pay Heavy Price for Energy Policies” Research Director William F. Shughart Op-Ed in The Oklahoman
8/31/2016 Research Fellow Vicki E. Alger, author of Failure: The Federal Misedukation of America’s Children featured on National Review Podcast Bookmonger
8/30/2016 “The Left and Right Appear to Agree on Something that Will Produce Better Health and Better Pensions” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice in Forbes
8/30/2016 “Gun Writer: Famed Author to Speak on Gun Control in the Third Reich” Stephen P. Halbrook, author of Gun Control in the Third Reich cited in the Sarasota Herald Tribune (FL)
8/29/2016 “Unraveling the Secular Stagnation Story” Sr. Fellow Robert Higgs cited in Globe Asia and
8/29/2016 “The Gig, Sharing and Peer to Peer Economy - Policy Considerations and Constraints” Research Fellow Michael C. Munger, editor of Future: Economic Peril or Prosperity? appears in webinar Thursday, Sept. 1 10am PT
8/27/2016 “In Defense of Trump” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice Op-Ed on
8/26/2016 “We Really Don’t Know if the Defense Department Is Providing Security” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland Op-Ed in Huffington Post
8/26/2016 “Hillary’s Vow Shows She Has No Understanding of the First Amendment” Research Fellow Donald Downs Op-Ed in the Sacramento Bee and other Tribune News Service syndicated newspapers
8/26/2016 “Australia’s Solution to California’s Water Woes: Markets” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley, author of Cross-Currents in California Water Op-Ed in the San Francisco Chronicle
8/26/2016 “Obamacare’s Ugly Death Spirals” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice in Forbes
8/26/2016 “Caltrans Wins Golden Fleece Award for Its $10 Billion Highway Robbery” California State Senator John Morloch issues press release on Independent Institute’s CA Golden Fleece Award
8/26/2016 Nature Unbound by Sr. Fellow Randy Simmons, Research Fellow Ryan Yonk and Kenneth Sim, cited in the Grand Junction Sentinel (CO)
8/25/2016 “Treasury’s Regulatory Overstep Attempts to Fix the Wrong Problem” Sr. Fellow William F. Shughart II Op-Ed in Real Clear Markets
8/25/2016 “Leave Politics Outside Of National Parks” Research Fellow Ryan Yonk, author of Nature Unbound Op-Ed in the Daily Caller
8/25/2016 Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice appears on the Marc Cox Show on KFTK-FM
8/23/2016 “Is the Antarctic Ozone Hole Really Mending?” Research Fellow Fred Singer Op-Ed in American Thinker

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