The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Wed. September 11, 2013

Ivan Eland interviewed for report on the RT Global News Channel concerning a chemical weapons attack in Syria.

Posted: Wed. September 11, 2013

Senior Fellow Ivan Eland appeared on the RT Global News Channel program “Crosstalk” speaking about the crisis in Syria and President Obama's effectiveness as a world leader.

Posted: Mon. September 9, 2013

Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on the nationally syndicated "America's Radio News Network" program with Lori Lundin discussing the debate on American intervention in Syria.

Posted: Mon. September 9, 2013

Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings, discusses immigration with "Inside Track" host Emil Franzi on KVOI radio in Tucson, AZ.

Posted: Mon. September 9, 2013

Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings, appears on American Radio Journal with host Lowman Henry on his nationally syndicated radio program. The two discuss immigration and Alvaro Vargas Llosa’s new book.

Posted: Fri. September 6, 2013

Ivan Pongracic discusses the fundamentals of how competition enables the market process. Talk given on June 18, 2013 in Colorado Springs, CO.

Posted: Fri. September 6, 2013

The students of The Challenge of Liberty 2013 Summer Seminars share their thoughts on the program.

Posted: Fri. August 30, 2013

Alexandré Padilla explores the role of externalities in public goods theory, and why they fail to justify an actively interventionist government. Talk given on June 18, 2013 in Colorado Springs, CO.