Issue: Asia

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 81 - 90 of 335 Results.

Biden’s Borderline Madness
Cancelling the United States of America for fun and profit.
Life after Capitalism
The information theory of economics
Is America Becoming Rome Versus Byzantium?
Our Byzantine interior and Roman coasts are quite differently interpreting their shared American heritage as they increasingly plot radically divergent courses to survive in scary times.
Don’t Commit to Defense of Taiwan
The island can take care of itself without the United States ending its public ambiguity in favor of an explicit alliance.
Science Closes in on Covid’s Origins
Four studies—including two from WHO—provide powerful evidence favoring the lab-leak theory.
Dangers of a Digital Dollar
If widely used, it would give the central bank unprecedented power over the financial system.
Our Woke National Icons
Milley, Fauci, and Biden are soulless men who reveal the bankruptcy of our ruling class.
Latest US Intel Report Helps China Hinder Probe into COVID-19 Origin
Chinese Buyer with CCP Ties Behind Vancouver Real Estate Mega-Deal
Afghanistan Debacle Could Preview Biden’s Dealings with China

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless