Issue: Philosophy and Religion

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 31 - 40 of 1633 Results.

Trumping Inflation?
What will a second Trump administration do for the cost of living?
Why Lower-Income Workers Are Trending Republican
Conceived in Liberty or Conceived in Sin? Exploitation and Modern Prosperity
U.S. Nuclear Defense Should Not Be So Costly
Instead of investing billions in outdated missile defense systems, why not move to a minimum deterrent doctrine?
California’s Identity Problem
Institutionalizing double standards and violating the rule of law.
The Wrong Road to Freedom
A Book Review of The Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society, by Joseph E. Stiglitz
Don’t Praise the Fed for Cleaning Up Its Own Mess
We can only give the central bank so much credit for putting out the fire it stoked.
Marxism Is Back—But Marxists Cannot Shake off the Soviet Legacy
Sense and Nonsense about Taxes
Why So Many Students Hate Israel

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless