Issue: Philosophy and Religion

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 1 - 10 of 1630 Results.

A Tale of Two Universities in Flyover Country and the Potential Downfall of Coastal Elite Schools
As the leading city in “flyover country,” Chicago universities are both climbing and toppling in the various college ranking lists.
The Ugly Comeback of Tariffs Demands a Muscular Rebuttal
Don’t Substitute Tariffs for Income Taxes: You’ll Get Both
A Buckeye Collegiate Revolution: Higher Education Reform Bill Likely to Pass Senate
The Strange Convergence of Donald Trump and Martin Luther King Jr.
Not Our Democracy, but Our Constitution
Woke DEI + Green Nihilism = Dresden in California
California’s DEI “humanism” and Green New Deal environmentalism ensured the cruelest imaginable treatment of thousands of people and unrivaled destruction of the natural ecosystem.
Circuit Conflict in Felon Gun Ban Cases
Carter’s Legacy Lives on in Ways People Might Not Expect
Supreme Court Considering Arms Ban Petitions on January 10th
Whatever happened to long guns good, handguns bad?

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless