Issue: Taxes

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 221 - 230 of 897 Results.

Paul Volcker’s Recipe for Prosperity
He endorsed Reagan’s pro-growth objectives while maintaining the Fed’s independence.
Ownership, Control, and Reform: Market-Based Approaches to Universities
The status quo is not working—it is time for a change.
Four Ways to Get What You Want
The Cost of San Francisco’s Reparations Proposal: Nearly $600,000 Per Household
A Dispatch from the Corporatized Dystopia: Bring on the Chains!
Reckless Reparations Reckoning
The lesson from the $22 trillion record of Great Society compensatory payouts is that massive infusions of federal money are more apt to ensure social disruption and dislocation than alleviate them.
San Francisco Falls Into The Abyss
The IMF and Sri Lanka Are Partners in Delusion
As Sri Lanka enters its 17th IMF program, it’s time to ask for a different solution to the country’s problems.
How Japan Kept Inflation Rates Low
Its monetary policy has long been ultra-tight, not ultra-loose.
Police Failures in Philadelphia Have Made Private Policing More Attractive

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless