Showing 191 - 200 of 208 Results.
Bushs Prescription Pill Police State
Anthony Gregory
| Commentary | Mar. 24, 2004
Off-Label Drug Awareness Saves Lives
Alexander T. Tabarrok, Daniel B. Klein
| Commentary | Feb. 25, 2003
The FDA Needs a Big Dose of Economics
Daniel B. Klein, Alexander T. Tabarrok
| Commentary | Oct. 25, 2002
Two Bright Ideas to Reduce Drug Prices
Alexander T. Tabarrok
| Commentary | June 24, 2002
The FDA Needs a New Head with New Ideas
Alexander T. Tabarrok, Daniel B. Klein
| Commentary | Feb. 4, 2002
Excess FDA Caution Threatens Health
Alexander T. Tabarrok
| Commentary | Aug. 23, 2001
Lying Government Ads
Tibor R. Machan
| Commentary | Mar. 1, 1998