Issue: Philosophy and Religion

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 1 - 10 of 1609 Results.

The Bell Tolls for Higher Ed
The incoming Trump administration should make serious postsecondary reform a priority.
University of California at Planned Parenthood
UC San Diego teams with Planned Parenthood to collect “tissues” from pre-born infants aged 4 to 23 weeks.
Mass Deportations—Unfeasible, Expensive and Would Undermine Other Goals
Blaming Bill Buckley for Racism, January 6, and More
Historian David Austin Walsh tries and fails to rebut Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism thesis.
Colleges and the Dumbing Down of America
Did Modern Monetary Theory Elect Donald Trump?
Trumping Inflation?
What will a second Trump administration do for the cost of living?
Why Lower-Income Workers Are Trending Republican
Conceived in Liberty or Conceived in Sin? Exploitation and Modern Prosperity
U.S. Nuclear Defense Should Not Be So Costly
Instead of investing billions in outdated missile defense systems, why not move to a minimum deterrent doctrine?

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  • Beyond Homeless