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Rigged is the definitive account of the 2020 election. Based on Mollie Hemingways exclusive interviews with campaign officials, reporters, Supreme Court justices, and President Trump himself, it exposes the fraud and cynicism behind the Democrats' historic power-grab. Rewriting history is a specialty of the radical left, now in control of Americas political and cultural heights. But they will have to contend with the determination, insight, and eloquence of Mollie Hemingway. Rigged is a reminder for weary patriots that truth is still the most powerful weapon. The stakes for our democracy have never been higher.

When Mrs. Hemingway says rigged, she means everything from jockeying to kick the Green Party off Wisconsins ballot, to Fox Newss early call of Arizona, to Twitters blackout of the Hunter Biden story in the New York Post. . . . There was much to object to in 2020.
Wall Street Journal
Its meaty... Its holistic, looking at the big picturenot just the voting machines on election dayand putting recent events in a historical context. Rigged doesnt refer mainly to the voting, but to the entire process. Its an engaging and insightful book. When necessary, the technicalities are explained clearly and carefully. . . . maybe Rigged can provide a context for people with different political leanings to agree upon commonsense election rules that would allow all parties to be confident in the process.
The Stream