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Bureaucracy vs. The Environment
What Should Be Done?
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Reception: 6:30 pm. Program: 7:00 pm
Admission: $15 • $10 for Institute Members
$35 Special Admission includes one copy of Rethinking Green $30 Members.
Location: The Independent Institute Conference Center, Oakland, CA.
Map and Directions

Michael Shaw
Proprietor of Liberty Garden, a 75-acre, private, coastal conservation property near Santa Cruz, California. He is also Co-Founder of Freedom 21 Santa Cruz, President of JM Management, and Owner of Lockaway Storage. Having received his B.A. in political science and J.D. from Santa Clara University, he has also practiced as a Certified Public Accountant and as a tax attorney.
Randy Simmons
Professor of Political Science at Utah State University, Research Fellow at the Independent Institute, co-author of Beyond Politics: Markets, Welfare, and the Failure of Bureaucracy and a contributing author to Re-Thinking Green: Alternatives to Environmental Bureaucracy.
Carl P. Close
Academic Affairs Director for The Independent Institute, Assistant Editor of The Independent Review, and Editor of The Lighthouse, the Independent Institute’s weekly e-mail newsletter. Mr. Close is co-editor of the books Re-Thinking Green: Alternatives to Environmental Bureaucracy and The Challenge of Liberty: Classical Liberalism Today. He received his B.A. in economics from San Francisco State University and his M.A. in economics from the University of California at Santa Barbara where he also taught economics.

Environmental quality has been a major public concern since the first Earth Day in 1970, yet the maze of environmental regulations enacted since has fostered huge government bureaucracies better known for waste and failure than for innovation and success. What can these failures teach us about how best to deal with the realities of political ecology? And how can entrepreneurship be fostered to better protect endangered species, sensitive habitat, and other environmental amenities? Please join Michael Shaw (Founder, Liberty Garden), Randy Simmons (Utah State University), and Carl Close (co-editor, Re-Thinking Green: Alternatives to Environmental Bureaucracy) for a far-reaching discussion about innovative ways to improve environmental quality.

Re-Thinking Green: Alternatives to Environmental Bureaucracy
Re-Thinking Green: Alternatives to Environmental Bureaucracy

“This superb book provides provocative, fresh insights.”
GARY LIBECAP, Professor of Economics and Law, University of Arizona

Re-Thinking Green is a splendid
ROGER MEINERS, Professor of Economics, University of Texas at Arlington

“Forces us to re-think the accomplishments of environmental policy and the most effective strategies.”
W. KIP VISCUSI, Professor of Law and Economics, Harvard University

“We would all benefit if the arguments in Re-Thinking Green are taken seriously.”
DANIEL CHIROT, Professor of Sociology, University of Washington

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