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The Independent Institute’s Center on Entrepreneurial Innovation pursues research into entrepreneurship, the dynamic process of markets and technological innovation without regard to prevailing popular or political biases, trends or phobias. The goal is to explore important areas that might otherwise be ignored, including questions normally considered “out-of-the-box” or controversial, but which might well be crucial to our understanding and aim to get at real answers and lasting solutions. As a result, the Center aims to cut through the intellectual poverty, noise, and spin of special-interest-driven public policy in the U.S. and elsewhere.
Why have entrepreneurs flourished in certain locales and not everywhere else? What is there about the economic and political climate of some areas that has allowed entrepreneurs to thrive? Are the entrepreneurial roots of prosperity threatened today by the growth of the mega-state that seeks to control the tides of innovation and productivity? How can the entrepreneurial and innovative spirit be facilitated? How can this spirit of innovation and economic growth be expanded throughout the world in which so much of humanity live in appalling conditions of poverty, ignorance, disease, and war? What about such critical issues as unemployment, trade and protectionism, regulation and deregulation, insurance, property rights (including intellectual property), antitrust and monopoly, price controls, immigration, taxation, business organization, corporate welfare, consumer protection, telecommunications, corporate accountability and malfeasance?
The Center on Entrepreneurial Innovation boldly addresses these and other critically important questions in order to get beyond the stereotypes of Left and Right into the realm of innovative, bold ideas that are the key to a brighter future.