James T. Bennett: The Independent Institute

The Power of Independent Thinking

James T. Bennett
James T. Bennett

James T. Bennett is a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute, Eminent Scholar, the William P. Snavely Chair of Political Economy and Public Policy in the Department of Economics, and Director of the John M. Olin Institute for Employment Practice and Policy at George Mason University. He received his Ph.D. in economics from Case Western Reserve University, and he has been a McKinsey Scholar at Columbia University, Ford Motor Company Scholar and Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Fellow; and he has specialized in research related to public policy issues, the economics of government and bureaucracy, labor unions, and health charities.

He is co-editor of the book, Information and Technology and the World Bank (with Daphne Gottlieb Taras and Anthony M. Townsend) and the author of Better Government at Half the Price: Private Production of Public Services; Corporate Welfare: Crony Capitalism That Enriches the Rich; The Doomsday Lobby: Hype and Panic from Sputniks, Martians, and Marauding Meteors; Health Research Charities: Image and Reality; The History and Politics of Public Radio: A Comprehensive Analysis of Taxpayer-Financed U.S. Broadcasting; Information Technology and the World of Work; Mandate Madness: How Congress Forces States and Localities to Do its Bidding and Pay for the Privilege; Not Invited to the Party: How the Demopublicans Have Rigged the System and Left Independents Out in the Cold; Paid Patriotism? The Debate over Veterans’ Benefits; Patterns of Corporate Philanthropy: Ideas, Advocacy, and the Corporation; The Politics of American Feminism: Gender Conflict in Contemporary Society; Stifling Political Competition: How Government Has Rigged the System to Benefit Demopublicans and Exclude Third Parties; Subsidizing Culture: Homeland Security Scams; Intercollegiate Athletics, Inc.; Taxpayer Enrichment of the “Creative” Class; Tax-funded Politics; They Play, You Pay: Why Taxpayers Build Ballparks, Stadiums, and Arenas for Billionaire Owners and Millionaire Players; Unhealthy Charities: Hazardous to Your Health and Wealth; and Unsustainable: The History and Politics of Green Energy.

He is also co-author with Thomas J. DiLorenzo of Cancer Scam: Diversion of Federal Cancer Funds to Politics; Destroying Democracy: How Government Funds Partisan Politics; The Food and Drink Police: America's Nannies, Busybodies and Petty Tyrants; From Pathology to Politics: Public Health in America; The History and Politics of Public Radio: A Comprehensive Analysis of Taxpayer-Financed U.S. Broadcasting; Official Lies: How Washington Misleads Us; Public Health Profiteering; Underground Government: The Off-Budget Public Sector and Unfair Competition: The Profits of Nonprofits.

Founder and Editor of the Journal of Labor Research, he is a contributing author to seventeen books and has published more than 130 articles and reviews in such scholarly journals as the American Economic Review; Review of Economics and Statistics; Journal of Environmental Economics and Management; Policy Review; The Independent Review; Southern Economic Journal; Journal of Finance; British Journal of Industrial Relations; Quarterly Review of Economics and Business; Review of Economics and Statistics; Public Choice; Journal of Regional Science and Urban Economics; Journal of Money, Credit and Banking; Journal of Consumer Affairs; Journal of Private Enterprise; Journal of Small Business Management; Canadian Journal of Economics; Journal of Economic Education; Economic Inquiry; Bulletin of the History of Economic Society; Land Economics; Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies; Journal of Economics and Business; Public Finance Quarterly; Business and Society Review; and Cato Journal.

And his popular articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Society, Alternatives in Philanthropy, Consumers' Research, Tax Notes, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Review, Inc., Inquiry, Intercollegiate Review, and The Bureaucrat.

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