John Greenwood, OBE: The Independent Institute

The Power of Independent Thinking

John Greenwood, OBE
John Greenwood, OBE

John G. Greenwood, OBE, is Chief Economist of Invesco, Ltd., in London, with responsibility for providing economic analysis and forecasts to Invesco portfolio managers and clients. AdditIonally, Mr. Greenwood is a Director for Invesco Hong Kong Limited and Invesco Asset Management Singapore Ltd.

Mr. Greenwood started his career in 1970 as a visiting research fellow at the Bank of Japan. In 1974, he became chief economist with GT Management plc (acquired by Invesco in 1998) and was initially based in Hong Kong, and later San Francisco. As editor of the Asian Monetary Monitor in 1983, he proposed a currency board scheme for stabilizing the Hong Kong dollar.

Mr. Greenwood was a director of the Hong Kong Futures Exchange Clearing Corp. for four years until 1991. In 1992, he became a council member of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, a position he held for a year. During that time, he was also an economic advisor to the Hong Kong government. Mr. Greenwood has been a member of the Committee on Currency Board Operations of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority since 1998. He is also a member of the Shadow Monetary Policy Committee in England and serves on the board of the Hong Kong Association in London.

He earned an MA and an honorary Ph.D from the University of Edinburgh. Mr. Greenwood is the author of Hong Kong’s Link to the U.S. Dollar: Origins and Evolution, which was published in 2007.