2014 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY Awards)
- Silver Winner in Current Events (Political/Economic/Legal/Media)
2013 PROSE Awards (Awarded by the Association of American Publishers)
- Best Book in Law & Legal Studies

- One of The Five Best Introductory Books on Public Choice

2013 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY Awards)
- Silver Winner in Health/Medicine/Nutrition
- Winner in Culture Category

2012 Foundation for Economic Education Awards
- Best Book in Austrian Economics
- One of The Five Best Introductory Books in Austrian Economics

2012 Sir Antony Fisher Award Finalist (March 2012): The Atlas Network selected The Independent Review, the Independent Institutes scholarly quarterly journal, as a Finalist for the 2012 Sir Antony Fisher Award.
Since 1990, Atlas has honored its late founder via the Sir Antony Fisher International Memorial Awards. The Fisher Award recognizes the institutes that published a book, magazine, report, monograph, or study that, in the opinion of the judges, made the greatest contribution to public understanding of the free society.

- Honorable Mention in Business Category

2013 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY Awards)
- Gold Medal Winner in Current Events (Foreign Affairs/Military)

- One of the Five Best Books on Public Choice
- Honorable Mention in Reference Category (2011 Revised Edition)
1995 Sir Antony Fisher International Memorial Award (Awarded by the Atlas Economic Research Foundation)
- Third Place (1995 First Edition)

2009 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY Awards)
- Bronze Medal Winner in Finance/Investment/Economics

2010 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY Awards)
- Silver Medal Winner in Finance/Investment/Economics
- Grand Prize Winner

Choice Magazine (American Library Association)
- Compilation of Significant University Press Titles for Undergraduates

Choice Magazine (January 2008) (American Library Association)
- Outstanding Academic Book
This prestigious list reflects the best in scholarly titles reviewed by Choice and brings with it extraordinary recognition of the academic library community. The list is quite selective. . . . In awarding Outstanding Academic Titles, the editors apply several criteria to reviewed titles: overall excellence in presentation and scholarship, importance relative to other literature in the field, distinction as a first treatment of a given subject in book or electronic form, originality or uniqueness of treatment, value to undergraduate students, and importance in building undergraduate library collections.
Society Magazine (January/February 2007)
- Book of the Month

2008 Heartland Liberty Prize: Awarded by the Heartland Institute to Research Fellow S. Fred Singer for extraordinary contributions to the preservation of liberty in the United States.

2008 Adam Smith Free Enterprise Award: Awarded by the American Legislative Exchange Council to Richard K. Vedder, Senior Fellow, The Independent Institute. Watch Video

2009 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards
- Finalist in Professional/Technical