The Lighthouse®
And there is a lot to remember. In a country where the political class was made up of gray professionals, Berlusconi was an outsider, not only a businessman but a self-made man. And his politics? Lowering taxes to unleash the economy. Italy (and the rest of us) could use another helping of that, please.
John C. Goodman (Forbes)
Virtually every proposed solution to fix American healthcare involves people who dont practice medicine telling those who do how to manage their affairs. None of those ideas has worked. Doctors could fix thingsbut we all must first agree to Goodmans first principles.
Judy L. Shelton (Wall Street Journal)
Now that the debt-ceiling bill has been signed, Republicans must turn to monetary policieslike the servicing of the debt under really high interest rates. And those facts are truly sobering. Congress needs to act and rein in the Fed.
Robert Whaples (National Review)
People who see the declining population as a good thing ignore the difficulties it will create. Fiscal havocthe federal government continuing to spend more than it can squeeze in taxes out of a shrinking populationis just the beginning. Then comes crushing inflation and much more. What can be done?
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Volume 26, Issue 26: June 20, 2023
Alberto Mingardi
John C. Goodman (Forbes)

Judy L. Shelton (Wall Street Journal)

Robert Whaples (National Review)

The Beacon: New Blog Posts
- Can Artificial Intelligence Solve the Socialist Calculation Problem?, by James E. Hanley
- Court Removes Government Claws From Lobster Industry, by K. Lloyd Billingsley
- Nevada Approves Taxpayer Dollars to Build MLB Stadium, by Craig Eyermann
- We Dont Need No Stinking Badges, by Mary L. G. Theroux
Catalyst: New Articles
- How Societies Are Harmonized Through Market Transactions, by Julan Omir Aldover
- The Agrarian Urbanism of Africa, by Scott Beyer
- Canadas Digital ID: Promises, Privacy, and Perils, by Francis Crescia