The Lighthouse®
The Trump administration deserves much credit for enacting healthcare policies that promote greater price transparency, improved continuity of coverage, and even reduced premiums in some states. Congress should complete the job by clearing away the remaining government barriers that block Americans from getting the affordable, high-quality health care they deserve.
By Benjamin Powell (Charlotte Observer, 11/25/04)
Ask most people and theyll tell you that Thanksgiving commemorates a bountiful harvest after Native Americans taught the Pilgrims to plant corn following a particularly harrowing winter. In reality, the Pilgrims plight resulted not so much from bad weather or botanical ignorance, but from disastrous policies of communal land ownership, explains Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell in his op-ed classic.
By Adam B. Summers (San Francisco Chronicle, 11/18/20)
After encountering numerous glitches in the processing of unemployment claims, the head of Californias Employment Development Department admitted that it could take her agency 20 weeks to process any additional federal unemployment benefits. To correct these and other failures plaguing the state government, officials should learn from the successful information-technology companies that call California home.
By William F. Shughart II (Issues & Insights, 10/30/20)
The U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement had cleared the path for more and fairer trade. Although it has strengthened the rights cross-border investors, U.S. energy companies say that Mexico is avoiding its obligations through regulator abuses and overt discrimination.
By Richard K. Vedder (Forbes, 11/16/20)
California voters soundly defeated a ballot measure designed to overturn a ban on considerations of race, sex, ethnicity or national origin in public hiring, contracting or college admissions. This outcome is just one recent data point indicating the publics animus toward racial preferences and skepticism toward liberal orthodoxy.
By Alvaro Vargas Llosa (The Washington Post, 11/17/20)
After only five days in office, Perus interim president Manuel Merino was forced to resign on November 15th, following six days of mass protests. Once the rising star of Latin America, Peru has been suffering from serial presidential corruption and self-inflicted economic setbacks that show how badly the nations political and legal institutions need serious reform.
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Volume 22, Issue 47: November 25, 2020
By John C. Goodman and Marie Fishpaw (RealClear Health, 11/2/20)
By Benjamin Powell (Charlotte Observer, 11/25/04)

By Adam B. Summers (San Francisco Chronicle, 11/18/20)

Bugs in the System
California Government Technology Failures and Recommended Solutions
California Government Technology Failures and Recommended Solutions
By Adam B. Summers
By William F. Shughart II (Issues & Insights, 10/30/20)

By Richard K. Vedder (Forbes, 11/16/20)

By Alvaro Vargas Llosa (The Washington Post, 11/17/20)

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The Beacon: New Blog Posts
- Stem Cell Boondoggle Bloats by $5.5 Billion, by K. Lloyd Billingsley
- Populism Is Far From Over, by Alvaro Vargas Llosa
- Free Will: Getting the Economics Right, by James A. Montanye
Catalyst: New Articles
- Thanksgiving Lockdowns Only Worsen Food Insecurity, by Reed Cooley
- The Time Is Not Right for a National Minimum Wage Hike, by Luka Ladan
- Waffle Houses Stand Against Lockdowns, by Jon Miltimore
- Post-Election Community Engagement Is Important as Ever, by Pooja Bachani Di Giovanna