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en Espanol Commentary Articles

George Stigler, Memoirs of an Unregulated Economist
Bernanke’s Prescription for Inflation—Give the Fed More Power
FBI Ballot Initiative
The incoming Congress could end the FBI’s use and abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to spy on “U.S. persons.”
Should the United States Treat Taiwan Differently Than Ukraine?
Events and emotions surrounding armed aggression can easily carry a U.S. policy of strategic ambiguity toward a hot war with China.
Wind and Solar Will Have to Wait
Inflation is putting many things on hold.
At Stanford, the New Applied Science Is Social Engineering
Think Twice Before Admitting Finland and Sweden to NATO
What Krugman Gets Right and Wrong on Trade Surpluses
Time to Stop Coddling Crypto
Volatility among stablecoins has stirred calls for industry rules but proposed legislation is unlikely to end the turmoil.
What Firearms Have “Common-Use” Protections?
Here’s an Uncomfortable Question ... For Gun-Control Activists
The Axis Strikes Back
Exposing the domestic Nazi-Soviet Pact now menacing the people of America.
Refundable Tax Credits Could Be the Healthcare Reform We Need
Congress Has a Stake in the Dollar’s Integrity
The Fed’s independence gives Americans no democratic recourse when the currency is debased.
The FDA Could Easily Solve the Baby Formula Shortage by Allowing More Imports from Europe
Which Economists Should Have Gotten Nobels Before They Died?
The Green Side of White Coat Supremacy
Anthony Fauci and NIH boss Francis Collins got part of $350 million in undisclosed royalties.
Scrap the Insurrection Act of 1807
Honoring Veterans with Educational Freedom
California Rejects Four-Day Workweek, but Supporters Haven’t Given Up
Making the Case for Alito’s Courage
Whatever Happened to the $15 Minimum Wage?
Losing the People? Then Change the Rules
David Theroux: Gentleman, Scholar, Entrepreneur
Tearing Down the Silicon Valley Wall
University of California Suicide Watch
It seems determined to end the university’s preeminence.

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