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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Does the United States Need a National Database for Ballistic Fingerprints?
No: Don’t Start a Boondoggle Bullet Library that Will Become a Stealth Gun Registry
Smallpox: U.S. Government Is Endangering Americans to Run Risky Foreign Policy
Be Radical, “Lula”
National Security Policy Turned on Its Head
This Is Freedom?
If We’re Really in Danger, Why Doesn’t the Government Act as if We’re in Danger?
Battered Women’s Syndrome: Science or Sham?
The FDA Needs a Big Dose of Economics
Iraq: Foreign Policy Malpractice
Containing and Deterring Saddam
If the U.S. Invades Iraq, the CIA Fears that Saddam Would Be More Likely to Carry Out Chemical and Biological Attacks
Saddam Hussein Can’t Blackmail Us with a Fissionable Softball
To Make War, Presidents Lie
U.S. Should Stay Out of UNESCO
Banking in Endangered Species
Helplessly, We Await the Catastrophe Our Rulers Are Creating
Why the Earth Summit on Sustainable Development was Doomed to Failure
Making Some Sense of It All
The U.S. Must Have Stronger Evidence for War in Iraq
The President Is Reading a Book, I’m Afraid
Top 10 Reasons Not to “Do” Iraq
The Voluntary City?
Back from the Dead—With U.S. Help
Senate Must Not Ratify CEDAW
Rise of DVDs Casts Doubt on Microsoft Ruling
The Saudis: Treat Them as Friend, Foe or Neither?

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