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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Medicare Advantage: Mend It, Don’t End It
Kaiser Permanente’s Former Chairman Might Not Understand Why Healthcare Prices Are Different
Legal Basis for U.S. War in Iraq and Syria Is Thin
Does Business Risk Facing a ‘Climate Crash’?
The Right to Die
More Discrimination Against the Sick
Entered the House, YODA Has
Is Obamacare Changing the Way Doctors Practice Medicine?
How Much Are We Really Spending on Health Care?
The Return of Death Panels? Government-Funded End-of-Life Planning Is Morally Questionable
Streamlining Airport Security
Why You Are Likely to Lose Your Health Insurance—No Matter How Much You Like It
Homeland Security Is a Mess
Discriminating Against the Sick
Must We Repeat Economic Policy Disasters?
Libertarianism and Racism
An Amendment Takes Congress Back in Time
Is Obamacare Shrinking Your Paycheck?
The Right to Work
Is Obamacare Working?
Is the Variation in Health Care Spending Among the States a Myth?
What Can Employers Do to Reduce the Cost of Obamacare?
Locals Leading the Fight Against the Islamic State Will Be More Effective
Why Are Doctors So Unhappy?
Congress Should Vote and Say No to Obama’s New War

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