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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Homeland Security Is a Mess
Discriminating Against the Sick
Must We Repeat Economic Policy Disasters?
Libertarianism and Racism
An Amendment Takes Congress Back in Time
Is Obamacare Shrinking Your Paycheck?
The Right to Work
Is Obamacare Working?
Is the Variation in Health Care Spending Among the States a Myth?
What Can Employers Do to Reduce the Cost of Obamacare?
Locals Leading the Fight Against the Islamic State Will Be More Effective
Why Are Doctors So Unhappy?
Congress Should Vote and Say No to Obama’s New War
Lessons from Eric Garner’s Death and Cigarette Taxes
Punitive Taxes Boost Black Markets that Trigger Violent Police Crackdowns
Bridge over Troubled Water?
America Is Losing Its Cushion to Absorb High Levels of Healthcare Spending
Go Further! Get the Federal Government Out of the Road Business Altogether
Obama Is No Wimp
Why Did We Celebrate Labor Day?
Krugman: Wrong on Health Again
Don’t Trap People in Medicaid
Obamacare Is Affecting Everyone
Market Forces Should Regulate Smoking
American Education Needs Competition, Not Common Core
Everyone Should Have a Concierge Doctor

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