Obamacare envisioned a major role for the state governments, often trying to force them to do what they didnt want to do and harming their citizens in the process. An Obamacare replacement plan will also require considerable implementation at the state levelalthough this facet of reform has received almost no attention in Congress or in the press coverage of the repeal and replace effort. The difference: Assuming the American Health Care Act (the Ryan bill) is appropriately amended, the additional reforms envisioned here will liberate the states. If they enact these reforms successfully:
To Replace Obamacare, Dont Overlook the Role of the States

Originally published in Forbes Mon. May 15, 2017
John C. Goodman is a Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute, author of Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis and President of the Goodman Institute for Public Policy Research.
Contemporary PoliticsEconomyEntitlements and WelfareFederal Tax PolicyFree Market EconomicsGovernment and PoliticsHealth and HealthcareHealth InsuranceHealth Savings AccountsMedicare and MedicaidMedicare, Medicaid, and ObamacareTaxesTaxes and Budget
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