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Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, director of the California Golden Fleece® Awards talk about the policies that have given California power shutoffs, while the forests and suburban areas burn. He discusses how the state can mitigate the effect of the fires and how power companies and utilities can be structured to give consumers more choice with better value.
School choice is not favored by some politicians, but they often send their children to private schools. Research Fellow Vicki Alger, author of School choice is not favored by some politicians, but they often send their children to private schools. Research Fellow Vicki Alger, author of Failure: The Federal Misedukation of America's Children talks with Andy Caldwell about the hypocrites who don't want the general population to choose schools that best fit their children. Opening schools to competition would improve academics and discipline in schools, says Alger. talks with Andy Caldwell about the hypocrites who don't want the general population to choose schools that best fit their children. Opening schools to competition would improve academics and discipline in schools, says Alger.
Is this the new normal for California? High winds toppling power lines, igniting devastating wildfires? Late season dry winds have been disastrous for California in recent years. What can be done to protect people and property in the future? Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan offers solutions that can help mitigate wildfire damage in California.
California needs to change the way electricity is delivered to customers. PG&E isn't doing the job well enough. Mandates for renewable energy are taking resources away from maintenance of electric lines, says Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, director of the California Golden Fleece® Award . California forests have become overgrown, making them tinder boxes feeding the next fires.
California needs to rethink how it gets its electricity, says Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan. Are there alternatives to large utilities such as PG&E and other monopolies? Customers are captives to the utilities and their government regulation boards. Local communities should be able to buy PG&E distribution lines to form their own utilities.
Who is to blame for millions of people having their power shut off due to possible wind damage to electric power lines in fire prone areas? Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan says blame is to be share between the utility's governing board, state fire agencies and other bureaucrats in California who have prioritized green initiatives instead of safety upgrades. This could have the effect of pushing businesses out of the state due to the high costs of operating in California, says McQuillan.
Based on his Independent Institute book, War and the Rogue Presidency, Dr. Ivan Eland speaks at a luncheon hosted by the Committee for a Responsible Foreign Policy, on September 10, 2019, in Washington, D.C.
Sr. Fellow Robert Whaples, co-editor of the Independent book In All Fairness: Equality, Liberty, and the Quest for Human Dignity appears on the Wayne Allyn Root radio show. How does redistributing wealth hurt the poor, not help them? Robert Whaples addresses the matter of inequality and what to do about it. Does the government have a role in "doling out" equality?