The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Thu. September 15, 2011

Posted: Thu. September 15, 2011

With the hearings on the nomination of Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court, Research Fellow William J. Watkins, Jr., was interviewed on NPR’s Talk of the Nation to discuss how to revise the nomination and selection process of Supreme Court Justices, based on his recent article in the Washington Examiner, “A role for the people in judicial selection.”

Posted: Thu. September 15, 2011

Senior Fellow Robert Higgs is interviewed here by Scott Horton on Radio, warning those who long for total governmental and economic collapse to be careful what they wish for. Higgs also explains why federal spending cannot continue at the current record levels without a failure of the bond market. He further compares the military and economic over-extension of the Soviet Union prior to its collapse to the United States as a warning against rampant spending by the government.

Posted: Thu. September 15, 2011

Senior Fellow Robert Higgs talks about his book, Neither Liberty nor Safety: Fear, Ideology, and the Growth of Government, on The Holistic Survival Show with Jason Hartman. Higgs sheds light on the history of institutionalized violence implemented by a bloated federal state, caused by a misguided faith in larger government to ensure a “freedom from fear”. The “Necessary and Proper Clause”? “People have been trying to loosen the bounds of the Constitution virtually from the time it was ratified to the present”, Higgs cautions.

Posted: Thu. September 15, 2011

Independent Institute Senior Fellow Charles Peña interviewed on CNBC’s Insana Quotient with Ron Insana about the McChrystal fallout and its significance for the Obama administration. Peña further illustrates the quagmire that exists in the U.S mission in Afghanistan and challenges the public to consider the true relevancy behind the changing of command. Does it matter who is in charge when we are fighting an illegitimate war?

Posted: Mon. September 12, 2011 Director Emily Skarbek Talks tax cuts and the Government Cost Calculator on Mad in the Middle.

Posted: Mon. September 12, 2011

Posted: Mon. September 12, 2011

Independent Institute Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa was interviewed at Pepperdine University about Latin American issues and immigration.