Issue: North Africa and The Middle East

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 11 - 20 of 440 Results.

Sanctions Are for Losers
While sanctions fail to change Iran’s policies, they inflict severe hardships on civilians and rally support for the regime.
The Radical Calculus of Campus Encampments: A Closer Look at Left-Liberal Protest Tactics
How university presidents dismantle these forcing beds of radicalism matters.
In the Fog of Forever War, the US No Longer Recognizes Alternatives
Pathway for an Imperial Presidency
Israel Can Still Drag the US into War with Iran
The tit-for-tat has ended for now, but Benjamin Netanyahu has many incentives to continue goading Tehran
Criticizing the Israeli Government’s Incompetence Is Not Antisemitic
The current Israeli strategy will result in an Iraq-style counterinsurgency quagmire.
Strikes Against the Houthis Need Congressional Approval
If Congress cannot reassert its constitutional duty to approve U.S. military actions now, will it ever?
Time for U.S. Jews to Rethink Their Democratic Loyalties
Don’t Expect New Sanctions on Russia to Do Anything
A new round of economic punishments, this time for the death of Alexei Navalny, is unlikely to be more successful than previous efforts.
Cal Thomas: The New American Antisemitism
Hatred of Jews continues to poison our politics and culture

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