Issue: Socialism, Communism, and Collectivism

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 151 - 160 of 410 Results.

Our Woke National Icons
Milley, Fauci, and Biden are soulless men who reveal the bankruptcy of our ruling class.
Our Porcine Two-Legged Wokeists
Orwell would say of the woke Obamas, Nancy Pelosi, AOC, Bernie Sanders, LeBron James, or Ibram Kendi—and their supposed unwoke, but similarly rich enemies, “It was impossible to say which was which.”
The Symptoms of Our Insanity
What explains these insanities that are insults to the American people’s intelligence?
Peru’s Dim Future from Shining Path
Maoist revolutionary Abimael Guzmán is dead at 86, and a Marxist-Leninist is president.
Epitaph for the ‘War on Terror’
Avenging 9/11 and preventing its recurrence was justification for putting enormous effort and money into unrelated or even counterproductive activities the ruling class sold to us as antiterrorism.
Wokeness: An Evil of Our Age
Even the Chinese apparat could not invent a more evil, more macabre way to destroy the United States.
The Domestic Legacy of Our Global “War on Terror”
Chinese Buyer with CCP Ties Behind Vancouver Real Estate Mega-Deal
Afghanistan Debacle Could Preview Biden’s Dealings with China
China’s Post-Olympic Gold Grab, Versus China’s True World Records

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