Issue: Federal Tax Policy

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 1 - 10 of 331 Results.

A Platform for Democrats
Green Cards for International College Grads Are a Great Deal for Americans
ULTRAs: The Worst Idea You’ve Never Heard Of
Don’t Expect Trump’s All-Tariff Revenue Plan to ‘Starve the Beast’
Government Failure in One Lesson
The Inflation Tax
A 10 percent inflation rate imposes a tax of nearly 7 percent on the real wealth of the average family.
Lessons of the 1924 Immigration Act
America welcomes newcomers, but there are always limits.
The Age of the Lazy American
High taxes, a focus on identity, and an aging population amount to a War on Work.
Russian Self-Destruction Helps America
Putin has gone from a flirtation with free-market capitalism to increasingly authoritarian kleptomania.
Is There A Trump Health Care Plan?

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless