Issue: Global Finance

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 1 - 10 of 118 Results.

Don’t Substitute Tariffs for Income Taxes: You’ll Get Both
On the Bangladeshi Bank Heist
By granting Bangladesh a loan last year, the IMF only prolonged the misrule of Sheikh Hasina’s administration.
J.D. Vance’s Point of Departure for Peace in Ukraine
How About James Bond as a Central Banker? ‘Goldfinger’ Emerges as a Metaphor for Our Times
Intriguing Possibility Emerges for Federal Reserve’s Annual Retreat Next Week—It’s Not Totally Confident of Its Own Model
Fed Chair Jerome Powell Is Trying to Explain Away the Inflation Rollercoaster—but Money Supply Is Absent from His Script
Stable Dollar Emerging as the Missing Link in Unleashing Productive Economic Growth for America—and the World
Sanctions Are for Losers
While sanctions fail to change Iran’s policies, they inflict severe hardships on civilians and rally support for the regime.
Russian Self-Destruction Helps America
Putin has gone from a flirtation with free-market capitalism to increasingly authoritarian kleptomania.
The Miracle of Milei: Argentina Could Spark a Passionate Embrace of Individual Liberty—and Prosperity
Argentina’s new president turns up just as America seems to be losing confidence in the virtues of its founding values and democratic capitalism

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