Light Lunch: Noon Program: 12:45 5:00 PM
Book signing to follow
Renaissance Mayflower Hotel
1127 Connecticut Ave.
Washington, DC (Map)
Development Research Institute, New York University
Half the people in the world live on two dollars or less per day and roughly 600 million live on no more than one dollar per day. With thousands of international relief organizations, and billions of dollars in foreign aid, why do so many impoverished countries remain unable to grow their economies beyond mere survival? At this upcoming Policy Forum, Independent Institute Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, former Bolivian President Jorge Quiroga, renowned economist William R. Easterly, and a distinguished group of policy experts will examine the case studies from around the world in the new book, Lessons from the Poor: Triumph of the Entrepreneurial Spirit. The speakers will examine real-world examples of entrepreneurship and discuss why instead of redistributing existing wealth, governments should free the people of developing countries in order to create it.
This forum will follow the Atlas Freedom Dinner on November 12 and morning session featuring the 2008 Templeton Freedom Award winners on November 13. Details at
I. Lessons from the Poor: Noon1:30 pm
Alvaro Vargas Llosa, Senior Fellow, The Independent Institute
Jorge Quiroga, former President, Republic of Bolivia
II. Global Free Market Empowerment: 1:302:45 pm
William Ratliff, Research Fellow, Hoover Institution; author, Vietnam Rising
Fredrik Erixon, Director, European Centre for International Political Economy
Gabriel Gasave, Research Analyst, The Independent Institute
III. Enterprise-Based Solutions to Poverty : 3:004:15 pm
Daniel Cordova, Dean, School of Economics, Univ. of Applied Sciences (Peru)
Martin Simonetta, Executive Director, Fundacion Atlas 1853
Thompson Ayodele, Executive Director, Initiative for Public Policy Analysis, Nigeria
IV. The Power of Entrepreneurship: 4:154:45 pm
William R. Easterly, Professor of Economics and Co-director, Development Research Institute, New York University

A book thats extraordinarily important for the great debate over development.
Miami Herald
As Lessons from the Poor shows, free enterprise and the extraordinary fortitude and vision of Third World entrepreneurs do play significant roles in alleviating poverty.
The Futurist
Buy Lessons from the Poor: Triumph of the Entrepreneurial Spirit