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Benjamin Powell » Commentary Articles

Green Cards for International College Grads Are a Great Deal for Americans
July 12, 2024

Resolving Border Crisis Requires Increasing Legal Migration
April 18, 2024

Trump’s Tariff Talk Proves Bad Economics Can Be Good Politics
March 29, 2024

Venezuelan Migrant Surge Need Not Cause Crisis in the U.S.
November 7, 2023

Cut Pork from the Farm Bill
July 27, 2023

Is Anti-Sweatshop Activism Making Bangladeshis Poorer?
April 17, 2023

On Deregulation, Biden Would Be Wise to Emulate Carter Administration
March 10, 2023

Texas Conservatives Should Not Support Banning Land Sales to Foreigners
January 24, 2023

On Gas Prices, Simple Economics Trumps Biden’s Partisan Agenda
November 10, 2022

Global Economic Freedom Plunged During the Coronavirus Panic
September 13, 2022

The U.S. Is Serving Up Pork to Semiconductor Manufacturers
July 21, 2022

Build Back Better is Better off Dead
July 15, 2022

Congress Must End the Federal Mask Mandate Once and for All
June 6, 2022

California Rejects Four-Day Workweek, but Supporters Haven’t Given Up
May 10, 2022

Price Controls and Government Spending Won’t Fix Inflation
January 13, 2022

The Omicron Variant Is Another Excuse for Government Meddling
December 7, 2021

Is COVID-Induced Hygiene Theater the New Security Theater?
September 13, 2021

The Best Way to Support Cuban Protesters Is Ending the Embargo
July 16, 2021

America Needs Private Investment—Not Public Infrastructure
June 10, 2021

The Re-Opening in Texas Follows the Science: Economic Science
March 11, 2021

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