David B. Kopel is a Research Director at the Independence Institute; Adjunct Professor of Advanced Constitutional Law in the Sturm College of Law at Denver University; and Associate Policy Analyst at the Cato Institute. He received his B.A. in history with Highest Honors from Brown University and his J.D. magna cum laude from the University of Michigan Law School.
He is the author of the books Aiming for Liberty: The Past, Present, And Future of Freedom and Self-Defense; The Heller Case: Gun Rights Affirmed! (with Alan Korwin); Supreme Court Gun Cases (with Alan Korwin and Stephen Halbrook); Gun Control and Gun Rights: A Reader and Guide (with Andrew McClurg and Brannon Denning); Antitrust After Microsoft; No More Wacos: What's Wrong with Federal Law Enforcement, and How to Fix It (with Paul Blackman); Guns: Who Should Have Them?; The Samurai, the Mountie, and the Cowboy: Should America Adopt the Gun Controls of Other Democracies?; Gun Control in Great Britain: Saving Lives or Constricting Liberty?; More Things You Can Do to Protect Your Gun Rights (with Alan Gottlieb); and Things You Can Do to Protect Your Gun Rights (with Alan Gottlieb).
A contributor to numerous volumes, he is the author of articles in such scholarly journals as the NYU Journal of Law & Liberty, Santa Clara Law Review, Penn State Law Review, Cardozo Law Review de Novo, Widener Law Journal, Denver University Law Review, Connecticut Law Review, Journal of Law & Politics, Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, Syracuse Law Review, Texas Review of Law & Politics, Quinnipiac Law Review, George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal, BYU Journal of Public Law, Liberty Law Review, Journal of Firearms & Public Policy, Hamline Law Review, Notre Dame Law Review, Texas Review of Law and Politics, Brown Journal of World Affairs, Northern Kentucky Law Review, Arizona Law Review, American Journal of Criminal Law, Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly, Criminal Justice Policy Review, Barry Law Review, St. Louis University Public Law Review, William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal, Akron Law Review, Maryland Law Review, Oklahoma City Law Review, Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia, Quarterly Journal of Ideology, Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy, Michigan Law Review, New York Law School Journal of International and Comparative Law, Seton Hall Legislative Journal, Tennessee Law Review, Temple Law Review, Environmental Law Reporter, and Asia-Pacific Law Review.