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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Will Mexico ‘Jump to the Top’?
A Tale of Two Mexicos
Politicians Should Exhibit Prior Restraint, Not the Media
The Grandchildren of Islam
Give Iran Positive Incentives to Halt Its Nuclear Program
Kelo: Taking the E.D. out of Economic Development
Among the Syrians
Minimum Wage—Maximum Nonsense
Democracy’s Caudillo
Win One for the Gipper (Ayatollah Khameini)
Soccer—The World Upside Down
Zarqawi’s Death Is Likely a Plus for the Iraqi Insurgency
Theories on Domestic Violence Being Questioned
Bad Apples Keep Bobbing Up
Andean Blues
Venezuelan Expansionism
Dissenters from the Drug War
Iranian Nukes: U.S. Denial of Reality
Nothing to Learn from the Antifederalists? It Just Ain’t So!
The President Seems Out of Touch With Events on the Ground in Iraq
Beware of Oil Pundits
Eminent Domain Roulette
On Memorial Day, Honor the War Dead but Question America’s Wars
The Latin American Paradox
Government Secrecy Is a Farce

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