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Immigration Wars
Open or Closed Borders for America?
Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Reception: 6:30 pm. Program: 7:00 pm
Admission: $15 • $10 for Institute Members
OR, $35 Special Admission includes one copy of Wetback Nation (23% off ), $30 Members.
RSVP — Limited Seating
Location: The Independent Institute Conference Center, Oakland, CA.
Map and Directions

Peter Laufer
Former NBC News correspondent. Author, Wetback Nation.
Benjamin Powell
Director, Center on Entrepreneurial Innovation, The Independent Institute.
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger stunned many this spring when he praised an armed citizens’ group patrolling the U.S.-Mexico border in search of undocumented immigrants. In contrast, President Bush called the group “vigilantes” and proposed that the federal government issue more three-year work visas to foreign workers. Former NBC News correspondent Peter Laufer argues that both politicians have overlooked the enormous social costs of U.S. immigration restrictions and proposes a bold alternative in his new book, Wetback Nation. Economist Benjamin Powell (Director of the Independent Institute’s Center on Entrepreneurial Innovation) argues that the right immigration reforms could satisfy the concerns of both employers who want access to the talent pool of foreign workers and critics of illegal immigration who complain that the rights of Americans are being violated by trespassing illegal aliens. Please join us for a stimulating program on one of today’s most hotly debated public issues.
Wetback Nation: The Case for Opening the Mexican-American Border
Wetback Nation: The Case for Opening the Mexican-American Border

“Laufer understands this issue better than most and, in his adventurous new book Wetback Nation, offers some outrageously simple—and quite possibly workable—solutions to a very old problem.”
Sanford Ungar, President, Goucher College; author of Fresh Blood: The New American Immigrants

Wetback Nation is an extraordinary journalistic contribution to the Mexican immigration debate.”
Rosental Calmon Alves, director, Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, University of Texas

“A captivating, informative read infused with deep and genuine empathy for those who suffer the most under current immigration policy.”
San Francisco Chronicle

Buy Wetback Nation: The Case for Opening the Mexican-American Border from Amazon.

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