The Power of Independent Thinking

Volume 4  Number 1  •  Summer 1999
Browse Issues:

In this issue...

Liberty and Feminism
After Kyoto: A Global Scramble for Advantage
Twenty Years after Humphrey-Hawkins: An Assessment of Fiscal Policy
The Ways of John Gray: A Libertarian Commentary
Doomsday Every Day: Sustainable Economics, Sustainable Tyranny

Review Essays
On Treating Like Cases Alike
Race Policy in Three American Cities

Book Reviews
Desperate Deception: British Covert Operations in the United States, 1939–1944
East and West: China, Power, and the Future of Asia
The Origins and Demise of South African Apartheid: A Public Choice Analysis
Overcoming Welfare: Expecting More from the Poor and from Ourselves
Commodity and Propriety: Competing Visions of Property in American Legal Thought, 1776–1970

Escaping Leviathan?

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