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Working Papers

Working Papers are research articles that have been submitted to the Independent Institute or written by our Fellows, but have not yet been published or peer reviewed. Independent maintains this index of working papers in order to help disseminate, discuss, and improve important ideas. Authors welcome informed comments. If you would like to submit your paper for possible inclusion please email the paper’s abstract to Independent’s Research Director, William F. Shughart II.

‘Liberal’ as a Political Adjective (in English), 1769–1824
“Not Merely Perfidious but Ungrateful”
The U.S. Takeover of West Florida
The Anomaly of Off-Label Drug Prescriptions
A Brief History of Checkpoints (And What to do About Them)
The Changing United States Health Care System
The Effect of Competition on Structure and Performance
Coasian Contracts in the Coeur d’Alene Mining District
Conflicts of Interest in the Hollywood Film Industry
Constitutional Causes for Technological Leadership: Why Europe?
Constitutional Design and Economic Freedom
Cooption and Repression in the Soviet Union
The Creation of Knowledge in Society: Waste Defined by Property and Exchange
The Demand for Democide
An Instrumental Variables Analysis
Democracy, Spontaneous Order and Peace
Implications for the Classical Liberal Critique of Democratic Politics
Development Aid and Economic Freedom: Are They Related?
Development of the American Railroad Network During the Early 19th Century
Private versus Public Enterprise
Do Civil and Political Repression Really Boost Foreign Direct Investments?
Do Good Laws Make Good Citizens?
An Economic Analysis of Internalizing Legal Values
Do Off-Label Drug Practices Argue Against FDA Efficacy Requirements?
Testing an Argument by Structured Conversations with Experts
Do Parties Benefit from Electoral Manipulation?
Electoral Laws and Heresthetics in Poland, 1989-1993
Economic and Political Implications of Disrupting Russian Energy Flow
Economic Principles of Constitutions
An Economic Analysis of Constitutional Law
The Effect of Electoral Institutions on Tort Awards
Effects of Criminal Procedure on Crime Rates
Mapping Out the Consequences of The Exclusionary Rule
An Experimental Investigation of Hobbesian Jungles
Financial Integration over Three Centuries

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless