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Working Papers

Working Papers are research articles that have been submitted to the Independent Institute or written by our Fellows, but have not yet been published or peer reviewed. Independent maintains this index of working papers in order to help disseminate, discuss, and improve important ideas. Authors welcome informed comments. If you would like to submit your paper for possible inclusion please email the paper’s abstract to Independent’s Research Director, William F. Shughart II.

Freedom of Speech, Cyberspace, Harassment Law, and the Clinton Administration
Freedom of Speech, Information Privacy, and the Troubling Implications of a Right to Stop People from Speaking About You
A Geo-Spatial Macro-Economic Analysis of Climate Change
Government and the Economy since World War II
Government and the Economy: The World Wars
Has Leviathan Been Bound?
A Theory of Imperfectly Constrained Government with Evidence from the States
Historical Episodes of Full Dollarization
Homicide Rates and Substance Control Policy
Individual Unemployment Accounts
Institutional Foundations of Economic Freedom
A time-series cross-section analysis
Internal Enforcement
The Political Economy of Immigration
International Money and Common Currencies in Historical Perspective
An Introduction to Economics as a Moral Science
Iraq, Afghanistan, War, and Money: A Look at Two Presidencies
Is Cybersecurity a Public Good? Evidence from the Financial Services Industry
Is Future Conflict with China Unavoidable?
Islands in a Sea of Obligation: Limits on the Duty To Rescue
Jacob K. Javits and Latin American Economic Integration
Keys to Economics of Global Warming
A Critique of the Dismal Theorem
Life Expectancy, Health Care, and Economics
The Lighthouse as a Private-Sector Collective Good
Litigation versus Legislation
Forum Shopping by Rent-Seekers
The Logic of Collective Belief
Love’s Imperative
A Study on Kant and Kolbe
Mere Economic Science
C. S. Lewis and the Poverty of Naturalism

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless