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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Forget Paris: On the Second Anniversary of Trump’s Pullout
Taxpayers Shouldn’t Get Stuck with a $1.5 Trillion Loan Default Tab
Why the Left Doesn’t Understand Health Care
Newsom Ignores Real Problem Facing State’s Teachers: Living in California
Markets Can Handle Climate Change
Are Universities Increasingly Liars and Con Artists?
Don’t Cry for Argentina, Yet
Economists Have Been “Useful Idiots” for the Green Socialists
Semi-Random Thoughts on the Passing Scene
Child Safety Accounts Could Offer Lifeline to Thousands of Students
We’re All ‘These People’ to Someone Else
I Left My Kids in the Car Alone for a Few Minutes. You Won’t Believe What Happened Next.
Harvard Is an Embarrassment to American Higher Education
Subpoenas and Threats--Democrats Are Doing It This Time; Republicans Have Done It in the Past
SAT’s Adversity Index: Academic Excellence or Socioeconomic Diversity?
Why Employers Pay Too Much for Health Care
Free Speech on Campus—Discourage Donations to Schools That Refuse to Implement It
Memo to George Soros and Charles Koch: Fund Campus Debates
The Other Road to Socialism
Electronic Health Records: Good, Bad and Ugly
A Lot of Deception about School Choice
The Myth of Free College
Four Low Tech Ways to Lower Tuition Fees by 10 to 30%
Read Hayek as if Your Children’s Lives Depend on It
The Insanity of the Push for Rent Control

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