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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Empower Parents to Shield Students from Bullying
Mexico’s ‘Tropical Messiah’ Browbeats Critics and Bullies the Press
The Left’s Opposition to Mining Threatens Its Green Dream
The Free-Entry Solution to Financial Discrimination
Torquemada, Grand Inquisitor, Comes to Campus
What the Left Doesn’t Understand about Health Care Prices
After Trump, Whom Will They Impeach Next?
‘Cancel Culture’ Comes to Science
A scholar with an agenda targets as ‘dangerous’ our conference on filtering out faulty research.
‘The Essential Milton Friedman’ Shows A Great Mind at Work
Tariffs on European Booze Will Hurt American Consumers
Calm before the Storm: Fiscal Hell Is Coming to American Universities
Democratic Socialism: Straight Talk about Twisted Facts
How to Stem the Tide of Socialism
Northam’s War on Gun Owners in Virginia
Don’t Pick and Choose: Give Everyone an Exemption from Trump Tariffs
Has Trump Started a War with Iran He Cannot Win?
The Collegiate Conservative Counter-Revolution
Vernon L. Smith: A Birthday Appreciation
Economic Freedom, Not Government Programs, Key to Reducing Poverty
Californians May Wonder if the Constitution Applies to Them in 2020
Second Amendment Sanctuaries Started in 1774
Schools Shouldn’t Need School-Supply Santas
Tax Law Changes: Good, Bad and Ugly
Is Public Service Student Loan Forgiveness a Public Service?
House Bill Seeking Price Controls on Drugs Would Cause Millions to Die

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