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Ivan Eland » Commentary Articles

Stop the Petty Jousting with China at Sea in East Asia
December 20, 2016

A Model for Making Tax Cuts Work
December 8, 2016

Presidential War Is Unconstitutional
December 1, 2016

Electoral College Is a Modern-Day Travesty for the World’s Greatest Democracy
November 22, 2016

Is Trump Already Headed Down the Path of the George W. Bush Presidency?
November 9, 2016

Russia Is Not as Much of a Threat as Depicted in the Media, but Does Need a Slap in the Face
November 2, 2016

Dealing with ISIS if Mosul Falls
October 30, 2016

Both Candidates Wrong on Syria
October 18, 2016

First Debate Showed that Both Major Candidates Are Severely Wanting in Foreign Policy
October 3, 2016

Why President Obama Has Difficulty Garnering Respect Internationally
September 22, 2016

15 Years After: Are We Safer?
September 12, 2016

Will Hillary Enmesh Us Deeper in the Syrian Quagmire?
September 6, 2016

We Really Don’t Know if the Defense Department Is Providing Security
August 29, 2016

Turkish-Russian Rapprochement Shouldn’t Worry the United States
August 18, 2016

Actually, Trump Has a Point
August 5, 2016

Trump Needs to Flesh Out a Strategic Vision for U.S. Foreign Policy
August 2, 2016

Trading Places: Swapping the Roles of Police and Military Is Bad for the Republic
July 29, 2016

Should Police Use Bombs to Kill Criminals?
July 18, 2016

At Their Own Peril, Americans Are Fuzzy on History
July 5, 2016

How About an Amerexit from NATO and Other One-Sided Military Alliances?
June 27, 2016

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  • Beyond Homeless