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Richard K. Vedder » Commentary Articles

The Bad Old Days Are Back! 228 Collegiate Earmarks by Congress
July 23, 2021

Is Bigger Better in Higher Ed? Or Even Cheaper?
July 20, 2021

Higher Ed: Unindicted Conspirator in the Demise of Our Civilization?
July 13, 2021

The Real Problem with Critical Race Theory
July 9, 2021

Markets Work, Even in Higher Ed: Three Recent Examples
July 6, 2021

Are University-Run Medical Centers the Tail Wagging the Dog?
June 29, 2021

The Impact of the Coming Economic Downturn on Universities
June 22, 2021

Why Do Colleges Dislike Men? The Disappearing Collegiate Male
June 15, 2021

Should We Tax Rather than Subsidize Yale?
June 8, 2021

The Culture of Arrogance Breeds Decline: Why Colleges Are Dying
June 2, 2021

Universities Have No ‘Bottom Line’
May 25, 2021

A Collegiate GED: The Time Is Now
May 18, 2021

Publish or Perish Can Become Publish AND Perish
May 11, 2021

Falling College Academic Standards: New Evidence
May 7, 2021

Higher Ed and the Biden Agenda: Be Prepared to Become Disappointed
May 4, 2021

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Purdue, Howard, and the U of Texas
April 27, 2021

For-Profit Higher Ed’s Renaissance: The Case of Coursera
April 20, 2021

Being ‘Woke’ Means Going Broke for Mills College
April 13, 2021

Will the Exploitation of College Athletes Decline Soon?
April 7, 2021

Happy Days Are Almost Here Again, but for How Long?
April 2, 2021

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless