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William F. Shughart II » Commentary Articles

Taxes on Unhealthy Food Are Ineffective and Hurt the Poor
April 26, 2017

How the Ethanol Mandate Is Killing the American Prairie
April 14, 2017

Reprocessing Nuclear Waste and Yucca Mountain Worth Another Look
April 3, 2017

Antitrust, Regulation and the “Chicago School”
March 20, 2017

Serious Tax Reform Is the Key to Restoring Economic Prosperity
March 20, 2017

Tax Fairness Critical to Sustaining Growth of Energy Sector
February 20, 2017

Yes: Regulatory Red Tape Is Strangling Economic Growth
February 17, 2017

Setting Steven Mnuchin’s Tax Priorities in 2017
January 16, 2017

Taxing Sugary Soft Drinks Is Paternalistic Nonsense
December 19, 2016

Amazon ‘Deal’ Undermines Tax Rate Competition
December 19, 2016

Is This the End of Obama’s EPA Legacy?
December 16, 2016

Economy-Boosting Tax Reform May Finally Be in Sight
November 21, 2016

Dakota Access—Legal, Beneficial & Necessary
October 31, 2016

Oakland’s Voters Should Stop Soda Tax
October 26, 2016

Green Energy Dreams Will Hurt the Poor
October 3, 2016

Environmentalists’ Questionable Tactics in North Dakota
September 12, 2016

Treasury’s Regulatory Overstep Attempts to Fix the Wrong Problem
August 26, 2016

How Green Energy Hurts the Poor
August 5, 2016

Oakland Coal Ban Won’t Protect Vulnerable
July 15, 2016

Keeping Minerals in the Ground Keeps Them Out of the Economy
June 13, 2016

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