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Richard K. Vedder » Commentary Articles

Memo to George Soros and Charles Koch: Fund Campus Debates
May 21, 2019

Four Low Tech Ways to Lower Tuition Fees by 10 to 30%
May 14, 2019

University Trustee of the Decade, My Texas Hero: Renegade Regent Wallace Hall
May 7, 2019

The Collegiate War Against Academic Excellence and Its Consequences
May 2, 2019

Senator Warren’s Student Debt Plan: The Worst Higher Education Proposal Ever Made
April 24, 2019

Does Attending Elite Colleges Make You Happy? Lessons from the Admissions Scandal
April 23, 2019

The Three Deficiencies of Higher Education
April 20, 2019

Why Are Universities Losing Their Way?
April 17, 2019

College Wouldn’t Cost So Much if Students and Faculty Worked Harder
April 11, 2019

Why Do Progressives Support Elite Universities?
April 9, 2019

First Generation Universities, the New CCNY: Florida International
April 4, 2019

The Triple College Crisis: Crisis #3. Too Few Good Jobs
March 26, 2019

Suppressing Free Expression: Gonzaga and Rider Universities
March 22, 2019

The Triple College Crisis. Crisis #2: Too Little Learning
March 20, 2019

The Triple College Crisis. Crisis #1: College Is Too Costly
March 15, 2019

Let’s Transform Higher Education: Restoring the Promise
March 14, 2019

Desperately Want into Yale? Use the Black Market—Hire an Academic Prostitute
March 13, 2019

Is Going to College Worth It? Some New Evidence
March 8, 2019

Collegiate Free Speech and the Federal Government
March 5, 2019

Is This Higher Education’s Golden Age, Gilded Age, or Beginning of a Gentle Decline?
February 27, 2019

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