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Independent Foundation Broadsides BART California Golden Fleece® Award Crime, Grime, and Greed at BART featured on Bay Area Transportation Working Group
Solutions to Homelessness in California Sr. Vice President Mary L. G. Theroux, host of the new documentary Beyond Homeless: Finding Hope interviewed on the Black News Channel
How Politicized Is the Federal Reserve? Emre Kuvvet, author of the The Independent Review article Political Affiliations of Federal Reserve Economists Op-Ed in The Wall Street Journal (subscription required)
Forties Something Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in American Greatness
Putin Has Already Lost the War Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of War and the Rogue Presidency Op-Ed in Townhall
Its Time to Rethink BART Expansion Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan and Research Fellow Hovannes Abramyan, co-authors of California Golden Fleece® Award, Crime, Grime, and Greed at BART Op-Ed in the San Francisco Business Times (subscription required)
Why a NATO No-Fly Zone over Ukraine Is a Dangerous Idea Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of War and the Rogue Presidency Op-Ed in The Washington Times
Housing First Isnt Working to Solve Homelessness. We Need a Holistic Model Sr. Vice President Mary L. G. Theroux and Theo Ellington Op-Ed in the San Francisco Examiner
State of the Union and the Second Amendment Sr. Fellow Stephen Halbrook, author of The Right to Bear Arms appears on the Rush to Reason show on KLZ radio in Denver, CO
Bidens Bombshell Back Story Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in American Greatness
Theres a new coalition trying to reduce San Francisco homelessness. Can it work? Sr. Vice President Mary L. G. Theroux quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle
Leave Me Alone and Ill Make You Rich, Eh? Four Canadian Innovators and Their Achievements Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
Is Atheism Dead? Independent Institute Executive Director Graham Walker interviews Eric Metaxas, author of Is Atheism Dead?
Denial of Russian Access to Bank Transfers Was Once Likened by Russias Prime Minister to an Act of War Sr. Fellow Judy Shelton Op-Ed in the New York Sun
U.S. Trade and Current-Account Deficits Are Made in the Good Old U.S.A. Sr. Fellow Steve Hanke Op-Ed in National Review
War in Ukraine Complicates the Feds Inflation Strategy Sr. Fellow Judy Shelton Op-Ed in The Wall Street Journal (subscription required)
Sr. Fellow Benjamin Powell, editor of The Economics of Immigration: Market-Based Approaches, Social Science, and Public Policy appears on the Bob Zadek radio show
Department of Homicide Security? Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in American Greatness
Science is Never Settled Research Fellow David Legates, co-author of Hot Talk, Cold Science appears on The Voice of Reason with Andy Hooser on KQAM radio (KS)
Putins Invasion of Ukraine Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of War and the Rogue Presidency appears on WTIC radio in Hartford, CT
Extreme man-made climate change remains an unproven theory S. Fred Singer, co-author of Hot Talk, Cold Science mentioned in Letter to the Editor in The Free Lance Star (VA)
Gaming AI Independent Institute Executive Director interviews George Gilder, author of Gaming AI on C-SPAN (also aired on Sept. 29, 2021)
The Dangerous Reason Behind Putins Aggression Against Ukraine Sr. Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings: Immigration, Civilization, and America Op-Ed in The American Spectator
Jerome Powell Is Wrong. Printing Money Causes Inflation. Sr. Fellow Steve Hanke and Nicholas Hanlon Op-Ed in The Wall Street Journal
Climate Alarmism Research Fellow David Legates, co-author of Hot Talk, Cold Science appears on WSKW radio
The Untold Truth of Californias New Math Curriculum Sr. Fellow Williamson Evers, Director of Independents Open Letter to Replace the Proposed New California Math Curriculum Framework appears on California Insider
Vaccine Cronyism Research Fellow and Director of Raymond March Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
Limitation of Individual and Entrepreneurial Freedom Sr. Fellow Robert Higgs, author of Crisis and Leviathan cited in Austrian Economics Center
Mike Lindell Is Sending the Freedom Convoy Pillows. Id Like to Send Them Our Second Amendment Sr. Fellow Stephen Halbrook, author of The Founderss Second Amendment cited on The Stream
From 1945 to 2022 Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in American Greatness
Climate Groupthink Research Fellow David Legates, co-author of Hot Talk, Cold Science appears on KMEDs Bill Meyer show.
Presidential Role Model Sr. VP Mary L. G. Theroux Op-Ed in Eurasia Review