Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
3/25/2019 “Algeria’s Belated Arab Spring” Sr. Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings Op-Ed in Foreign Policy News
3/25/2019 “Can Trump Build the Wall?” Policy Fellow Ronald Trowbridge appears on What’s Up with Terry Lowry on KKHT FM radio (TX)
3/22/2019 “Is ‘Energy Independence’ a Worthy Goal?” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in Forbes
3/21/2019 “Suppressing Free Expression: Gonzaga and Rider Universities” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of the forthcoming book Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America Op-Ed in Forbes
3/21/2019 “Gavin Newsom Doesn’t Care about Crime Victims” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in American Thinker
3/21/2019 “Piedmont Area Republican Women Hosts ‘California Golden Fleece Awards’ creator McQuillan” Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan mentioned in The East Bay Times
3/21/2019 “Mike Trout’s $426.5 Million Contract Probably Doesn’t Say What You Think about Society” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in Forbes
3/20/2019 “New Zealand Terror Attack” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland interviewed on Fox 5 in Washington, DC.
3/20/2019 “The Supreme Court Will Likely Approve Trump’s Wall” Policy Fellow Ronald Trowbridge Op-Ed in The Hill
3/20/2019 “Healthcare Needs Price Competition, Not Just Transparency” Research Fellow Raymond March Op-Ed in the Washington Examiner
3/19/2019 “Achievement Unlocked: Three Things to Celebrate at Age 40” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in Forbes
3/19/2019 “The Case Against the Case for Federal Land Management” Sr. Fellow Robert H. Nelson (1944–2018) in Reason Magazine and
3/19/2019 “Billion-Dollar ‘Amateurs’” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of the forthcoming book Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America cited in The Wall Street Journal (subscription required)
3/19/2019 “Why College Admissions Isn’t Only about Academic Talent” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of the forthcoming book Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America cited on Bleeding Heart Liberarians
3/18/2019 “The Triple College Crisis. Crisis #2: Too Little Learning” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of the forthcoming book Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America Op-Ed in Forbes
3/18/2019 “Can Democrats and Republicans Strike A Deal on Health Care?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed in Forbes
3/18/2019 “Liability of Gun Manufacturers” Sr. Fellow Stephen Halbook appears on the Lars Larson radio show
3/18/2019 “The Province of Alberta Shows Dangers of a Carbon Tax ‘Deal’” Research Fellow Robert P. Murphy, author of Choice: Cooperation, Enterprise, and Human Action Op-Ed in the Institute for Energy Research
3/16/2019 “End Monopoly Protections to Fix PG&E and Other Utilities” Research Fellow Adam Summers Op-Ed in The Orange County Register and other Southern California News Group syndicated newspapers
3/16/2019 “Syria Complicated for ‘Usual’ Regime Change, Government Toppling Tactics” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland cited on Sputnik International
3/16/2019 “World War II Did Not Cure the Great Depression” Sr. Fellow Robert Higgs, author of Depression, War, and Cold War: Challenging the Myths of Conflict and Prosperity cited on The Tom Woods Show
3/15/2019 “Is College Worth the Money?” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of the forthcoming book Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America appears on Deep Dive on FoxNation
3/15/2019 “Reaction to New Zealand terror attacks” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of War and the Rogue Presidency appears on the Lars Larson radio show
3/15/2019 “Book Review: HowDemocracies Die” Crisis and Leviathan by Sr. Fellow Robert Higgs is cited in The Point (Gambia)
3/14/2019 “College Admission Scandal” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of the forthcoming book Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America appears on the Lars Larson radio show
3/14/2019 “More trouble looming for Venezuela” Sr. Fellow Benjamin Powell cited on
3/14/2019 “The Triple College Crisis. Crisis #1: College Is Too Costly” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of the forthcoming book Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America Op-Ed in Forbes
3/13/2019 “How the Nazis Used Registration to Imprison Enemies of the State” Gun Control in the Third Reich by Sr. Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook is reviewed on
3/12/2019 “40 Years Later, How Has the Iranian Revolution Changed the World?” Sr. Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings Op-Ed in The Daily Caller
3/12/2019 “Stanford Hoover Institution Economist Targets Socialism, Fears ‘We May Not Make It’” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in the California Globe
3/12/2019 “Desperately Want into Yale? Use the Black Market—Hire an Academic Prostitute” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of the forthcoming book Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America Op-Ed in Forbes
3/12/2019 “California Universities Just Keep Showing Why Trump Needs to Cut Their Funding” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in The Daily Caller

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