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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Did the Surge Work?
It’s Time to Cut Fannie and Freddie Loose
Gun Rights for Felons?
CENTCOM’s Master Plan and U.S. Global Hegemony
Are 400,000 Terrorists, 44 Terrorist Groups, and Five State Sponsors of Terror Trying to Attack the United States?
Spending Addicts
Wal-Mart, Innovation, and Access
Airlines and Speculation
Paraguay: Ireland or Venezuela?
Mission Not Accomplished
An Aggressive and Hypocritical U.S. Policy Toward Iran
The Bipartisan Surveillance State
The “Respectable” People Continue to Make War on the Rest of Us
Europe’s Fear
Does Globalization Destroy Culture?
Should the Government Kill Its Own Citizens?
Managing Risk in Defending Against the Terrorist Threat
Near Insanity at the Federal Reserve
Che Guevara Was No Hero to the Many He Abused
Rancor and History
Agricultural Policy: The Seen and the Unseen
Obama and Latin America
That Cell Phone Ban
A Victory and a Warning
Can the Air Force Be Reformed?

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless